ICNM will increase your knowledge, your inspiration, and your network.

– Led Therapie France

The connections you make at ICNM are unparalleled, we met leaders all over the world. See you next year!

– Sensora Canada

ICNM – Where the best Natural Medicine world meets! Partners & Exhibitors gather at the ICNM World Conference in Paris to bring the newest integrative medicine technologies and most innovative products available globally. ICNM World Conference welcomes delegates from 55 countries reflecting the excellent reputation the congress has established.

Benefits :

  • Face-to-face meeting with top prospects
  • High-level of ROI and valuable networking activity
  • Exposure to industry leaders
  • Visibility on all press & media communications

Previous ICNM :

ICNM 2013 PARIS  5-7 July, ICNM 2014 PARIS  4-6 July, ICNM 2016 BARCELONA  1-3 July, ICNM 2017  LONDON 30 June-2 July
ICNM 2018  LONDON 6-8 July, ICNM 2019  LONDON 5-7 July, ICNM 2023 PARIS 7-9 July, ICNM 2024 BARCELONA 5-7 July, ICNM 2025 PARIS 4-6 July.

We wish to acknowledge our Partners, Exhibitors & Sponsors
for their valuable support and their confidence year after year.

Uniting Masters of Health from 55 countries